Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sorry.... You're NOT Cool

The #1 thing I hate the MOST has to be douches/tools and their dumb skank bitches. Nothing infuriates me more, perhaps other than the fact that these people think they are cool or something. The worst part is that they are completely oblivious to their cheesy, pathetically, desperate selves, and feel the need to project their "cool" status. So I'm here to call them out (since no one else will).

#1 Dress Clothes with jeans and baseball caps are not cool or cutting edge, you douche. (or the pre-party posed pics in your parents house, for that matter.)
#2 Attention sea whales! Fat Bitch + No Tits + Bikini = Gross. I suggest you put down the beer (and the camera), find one of those metallic sweat suits and run up and down the beach til you see a fatter, grosser chick in a smaller more exposed bikini and run some more.
#3 Those are not trannies, those are actually natural born females. Astonishing, I know! Ladies stop spending your money on make-up, pounds of it doesn't change your face. The only person that could have helped you, Keyvn Aucoin, past away years ago, there's no hope! Just save up for reconstructive surgery.
#4 I actually kind of feel bad making fun of these people, since they're still in high school and all. My fav is the himbo is the front with the fake LV hat and the sunglass, doing a kissy face.
#5 The only thing that would make them cooler, is if those cigars were cocks.
#6 Whats worse about this pic, the Ace Harware tool with the sunglasses, chain and signature peace sign OR the three skanks with mustaches??
#7 Nowadays, finding a decent crowd in a club is as hard as finding the perfect man. However, you have settled for middle-aged bald groaping men that could be your uncle, you've entered a new level of low.
#8 Venetian blinds as sunglasses were never cool, not when Kayne wore it; not when you and dumb-ass friends wear it 2 years later.
#9 Note: The guy that's about to do the motorboat, spiked that girl's drink. The other two, "beaver-face" and "wait, that's not a girl" are smiling because he's still not going to get laid.
#10 A WORD OF ADVICE, if you want to be a tool, then that's your prerogative but PLEASE do not announce this to the rest of us self-respecting folk. While it's mildly entertaining humilating you, your incessant updates on the social networking sites are nothing, less short of bothersome and hard on the eyes.


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